winter 2010

winter 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's been a long time since I posted anything on here. I am going to try to publish something once a month. Since my last post we have been re-modeling a house we bought.. I have also started back at work and school, so it has been a busy time for us.. We love our family life.. Above are a few random pictures from winter. The one with Mike and Camden, and then one with Me and Camden is from the Boise State Fiesta Bowl.. Daddy is a big fan, so we all got in our Boise state gear to watch them upset TCU.. The funny one in the middle is a picture from our annual christmas girls night.. As you can tell things get a little crazy and fun. Camden is almost six months old. I cannot believe that much time has passed already. He is rolling around the whole house, sitting up with a close eye from mommy and daddy, eating baby food, and working on crawling. I feel so blessed to have a healthy and happy family. I love the quote, " We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." It reminds me so much of our family..

Winter Wonderland