winter 2010

winter 2010

Monday, July 25, 2011

Camden turning two

Camden is now turning two.. The last time I blogged he was turning one, wow what a slacker. I was inspired by my sister to start blogging again, so here I am. In the last year, Camden has developed quite the personality. He is so smart and so funny. He just loves his Daddy and Mommy, and copies everything we do. He has really good manners and says thank you for everything. He loves Mickey Mouse and thinks he needs to watch it 5 times a day. He also loves animals and to make their noises. He recently has enjoyed swimming, biking with mom, playing with his dog jersey, playing any sport, reading books, any outdoor activity. Me and Mike celebrated our 2 year anniversary in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at his uncle's condo. It was such a needed and fun trip for our family. It was freezing, but we were able to see a few bears and other wildlife. Mike has upgraded from flying the Brasilia to Flying the Regional Jet. He now flies a little different flights, and gets to see a lot more of the country. We spend most of our free time hiking, playing sports, watching sports and enjoying our family. Hopefully this year we will add to our family; maybe a girl so its even... haha.. We are so thankful for our country and the wonderful blessings we have to enjoy. We have the best family, and love to spend time together. Camden is my world, and I love him so much... Until next time..